How to Easily Identify Your Assets | MSM Solutions

How to Easily Identify Your Assets

Identifying your company assets can be difficult — if you don’t use the right tools. While you may be able to physically count the assets you hold, the process can be time-consuming and there is no way to know whether you are counting a widget you bought last week or one from 10 years ago. Adopting an Asset Management Solution solves this issue.

Asset Management Solutions

Simply put, your objects need a label to be tracked and that label needs to do more than indicate the existence of the asset in question — much more. Your assets can be labeled or identified through a variety of automatic or stand-alone thermal printers. RFID Technology is another good example, but there are others. The idea is to let you scan your assets and see important information about the item instantly. Whichever inventory management solution you choose, fixed RFID readers and handheld scanners make this process as efficient as possible.

Digital DNA

In order to effectively count, manage and track goods, parts and products, you need to assign a unique identity, or digital DNA, to each one. “Digital DNA is a concept that involves tracking just about any piece of information related to a tagged asset and storing it all in the cloud,” explains MSM Solutions. “In other words, a tag can represent much more than just the item it’s attached to.” Beyond simple EPC encoding to manage inventory and automate ordering, digital DNA contains additional information. It includes when the item was first scanned and who scanned it, as well as the chain of custody for the items and environmental factors such as humidity and temperature.

Asset Tracking Software

Asset management solutions are only as effective as the software that powers them. Asset tracking software like PortalTrack focuses on providing the end-to-end benefits you need to be successful in managing your company’s inventory. A variety of information is captured at the point of encoding — no additional manual entry is required (so room for human error is greatly reduced) — and that data is organized automatically. In the end, you get unprecedented access to information about your company assets and you can use that knowledge to optimize your operations.

Whether in harsh environmental conditions or needing to blend into today’s retail store environment, MSM Solutions and PortalTrack can bring identity to your assets by accurately incorporating GS1 compliant encoding schemes, making your solution not only intelligent, but simplistic to fit within your processes. And because PortalTrack integrates directly into your business systems, adoption is effortless. Contact us to learn more.

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